ConnectRetarget Group Buy

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IMNuke introduces ConnectRetarget: The ultimate solution to skyrocket your profits with an automated 384% conversion boost on your offers. With its unrivaled power and user-friendly interface, it revolutionizes retargeting in a way that no other platform can match.

What is ConnectRetarget?

The goal of ConnectRetarget is to empower marketers with a powerful and easy-to-use platform that eliminates the overwhelm associated with retargeting. By utilizing ConnectRetarget, marketers can effortlessly create behavioral retargeting campaigns on Facebook, reaching out to highly targeted audiences based on specific actions and behaviors.

The ConnectRetarget platform includes multiple pre-made audience templates – just select any template and your target audience is automatically created for you:

  • Google Search
    Creates audiences from traffic referred directly by Google – the ‘holy grail’ of profitable organic traffic.
  • All Search Traffic
    Visitors referred by Google, Bing and/or Yahoo are specifically looking for solutions to their problems, which makes them a lucrative audience for retargeting.
  • Social Media Traffic
    Match your ads to the social network referring your visitors (FB™, Twitter, Instagram, G+, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn, or YouTube) for better conversions.
  • Most Engaged
    Focus campaigns on visitors who have spent more than 2 minutes on your site or have viewed more than 2 pages of your website.
  • Highly Engaged
    Tap into this keen audience of visitors who spend over 3 minutes on your site or view more than 3 pages of your content.
  • Mobile Visitors
    Laser target the 50% of users who visit from a mobile device and serve them ads when they’re on a desktop device.
  • Direct Traffic Only
    Creates a custom audience of users who come to your site without a referrer – people actively looking for your product & services.
  • Scrolled Content Percentage
    Target a select group who has scrolled through at least 25% of your site’s home page.
ConnectRetarget review

Why should you use ConnectRetarget?

By using ConnectRetarget, you can tap into a wealth of data that surpasses what is achievable with other retargeting tools, allowing you to revolutionize your online business and transform the way you approach retargeting. This simple yet incredibly effective tool is set to redefine your retargeting strategy and unlock unprecedented opportunities for success.

How to use ConnectRetarget?

  • Get more traffic, increase engagement and boost conversions – there are multiple audience templates for you to plug in and use to engage your target audience
  • Simple integration with your FB™ ads account – our platform makes it easy to target your pre-selected audiences and set up powerful ad campaigns
  • Make Your Own custom audiences – with our intuitive drop-down filters, you can create your own targeted user groups based on specific behaviours
  • Save your favourite templates – to use over and over again on new sites and new campaigns to save time and make profits even faster
  • Retarget users from specific campaigns – want to customize an ad for visitors from FB™, solo ads or private promotions? No problem it’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Who should use ConnectRetarget?

  • Current retargeters who want to maintain their competitive edge and increase conversion results on every campaign.
  • Ecommerce vendors who want to turn tire kickers into buyers and maximize profits.
  • Product sellers looking to give prospects multiple chances to pick up what’s on offer.
  • Affiliate and CPA marketers promoting quality products who need to maximize ROI on their campaigns.
  • List builders and bloggers who need to convert site visitors into profitable leads.
  • Social media marketers looking to increase their following and viral traffic.
  • Anyone new to retargeting wanting the easiest way to exploit this powerful form of marketing.

This is the end of the introduction. And if you’re new to retargeting, don’t worry – Connect Retarget has you covered. It’s including a complete “Beginner’s Guide to Retargeting” PDF so you can get up to speed on how retargeting can dramatically increase your profits. What are you waiting for? Grab your chance to own this amazing tool now!

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