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It’s time to take your interest targeting to the next level. They’re excited to bring you Connect Explore interest targeting. It will help you make your Facebook ads more profitable with much less effort. No more spending a lot of time researching just to find the same interests as others are aiming for.

What is Connect Explore?

ConnectExplore is the brand new tool for discovering the most profitable interests on Facebook to target. Revolutionary FB Interest Targeting Tool Generates $9,633 Profits From One Ad Campaign!

  • Automated, smart research tool uncovers interests your competition will never find
  • Built in “Layering” lets you hyper target the hottest fans in any niche
  • Optimize ad results with detailed interest performance stats – without split testing
  • User Friendly Layout / Dashboard – find and filter interests with ease
  • Powerful Interest Search Engine – finds the motivated audiences you NEVER uncover on your own
  • “Explore” Pages (no other tool on the market does this)
  • Automated Suggestions
  • Filtering – results you can actually use
  • Foreign language targeting option – tap into under exploited local markets
  • Advanced Targeting – ad costs go down while performance goes up for the ultimate in ROI
  • Analyse – the best of split testing without the time, hassle or expense
  • Pre-qualifies every interest as highly relevant for the keywords a user enters
  • Shows instant performance metrics of each & every interest – without any guesswork or complicated split testing
  • Finds untapped interests other tools can’t access – giving you a one-sided advantage over your competition
  • Adds interests directly to your ad manager in a single click – without any cutting and pasting
Connect Explore
Connect Explore Homepage

Why should you use Connect Explore?

We all know that finding the best interests to target is crucial to a successful campaign. And finding those interests takes a lot of time. And then, when you have a campaign running, it’s hard to figure out exactly which interests are worth targeting! Connect Explore saves you time, saves you from boring research, and helps you maximize your ROI through understanding which interests actually lead to clicks and profits.

Who should use Connect Explore?

  • CPA Marketers
    get more targeted traffic to your offers for less ad spend and bigger profits.
  • Affiliate Marketers
    target buyers your competition is ignoring for an unfair advantage. Adding layering uncovers raging niche fans scale up your offers fast.
  • List Builders
    get more leads for less money by optimizing your ad sets with ConnectExplore.
  • Local marketing consultants
    each local businesses owners like never before. Perfect for those wanting to enter lucrative foreign markets as well.
  • eCommerce Marketers
    get more sales with less ad spend. Find interests you never knew your customers had gives you tons of ideas for new hot selling products to stock in your stores.
  • Social Media Marketers
    your competition will never know how you are getting so many leads and sales. They’ll wonder what the secret weapon in your marketing arsenal is!

How does it work?

ConnectExplore is our brand new tool to uncover the most profitable Facebook interests to target. It works its magic in 4 simple steps:

  • Step 1: Discovery
    Find interests to target, many of which are simply unavailable to your competition
  • Step 2: Filter
    Find the best interests and most engaged audiences, keenly engaged in your offers
  • Step 3: Target
    Apply results to specific interests for the highest possible ROI
  • Step 4: Analyze & Scale
    Measure which interests are working best. Your ads perform at the highest level, putting money back into your pocket

In short, this tool finds targeted audiences that are hidden from your competition, rates those audiences for profitability, & helps you serve precise ads for maximum ROI. If you still have questions about this product, you can check out our Connect Explore review here for more details. Beside, If Connect Explore pricing has not satisfied you, you can find Connect Explore alternatives like: AdIntelligence, InterestExplorer, AdSightPro,… I hope that you will find this article useful. Thanks for reading!

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