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BuzzSumo launched in 2014 with the mission to make comprehensive content research quick and easy to access. It has become the go-to content marketing tool for creators around the world. Today, thousands of businesses use this tool to create great content, monitor brands, and discover growth opportunities for their businesses.

What is Buzzsumo?

Find the content that performs best Collaborate with the influencers who matter. Use this tool content insights to generate ideas, create high-performing content, monitor your performance and identify influencers.

  • Content Ideas Generator
  • Content Analysis Reports
  • Domain Reports
  • Influencer Searches
  • Backlinks
  • Journalist Profiles
  • Question Analyzer
  • Brief Generator
  • YouTube Analyzer
  • Facebook Page Analyzer
  • Facebook Pages
  • Content Discovery
    Spark content ideas by browsing topics, trends and forums. BuzzSumo shows you what’s going down and what’s rising up.
  • BuzzSumo Content Research
    This tool scans billions of articles and social posts so you can harvest meaningful insights.
  • Find Influencers
    Identify authors and creators with engaged audiences and genuine authority on Instagram, Twitter and the web.
  • Monitoring
    BuzzSumo monitors your competitors, brand mentions and industry updates. Alerts ensure you catch important events and don’t get smushed under the social media avalanche.
  • BuzzSumo Chrome Extension
    20,000+ marketers have used the free Chrome Extension to instantly reveal the social shares, links and influence of content
BuzzSumo Homepage

Why should you use BuzzSumo?

Millions of marketers rely on BuzzSumo to reveal the truth about what content works and what sinks without a trace. This tool makes explore high-performing content so you can get more likes, links and shares. Analyze billions of data points to sharpen your marketing strategy. Identify influential people to power-up your brand or campaign. Track comments and trends so you can respond rapidly and capture opportunities.

BuzzSumo use cases

  • Competitor Intelligence
    Your competitors’ secrets are just a click away. Discover what works and what fails so you can optimize your marketing activity.
  • Content Strategy
    Check the traffic before you hit the road. With this tool you can gather clear evidence to support your content strategy.
  • Crisis Alerting
    Early warnings give you more time to respond to risks – and opportunities. Create alerts for relevant brands, products and topics so you can respond first.
  • Digital PR
    Get more coverage with BuzzSumo data and tools. Discover which stories work and the journalists, bloggers and influencers behind their success.
  • Influencer Marketing
    Boost your campaigns by enrolling the support of influencers who have genuine connections, reach and authority. this tool helps you identify influencers, evaluate their strengths and assess their value.
  • Video Marketing
    Optimize the media in your marketing, research effective video ideas and formats across YouTube to ensure your message resonates.

What are the benefits of using the Content Ideas Generator?

  • It’s quick
    The Content Ideas Generator gives you the ability to outline a strategy in a matter of minutes, so you can spend less time deliberating, and more time perfecting
  • It’s easy
    The Content Ideas Generator is SUPER easy to use – just search a simple keyword and get back a ton of useful insights.
  • It’s timeless
    Looking for trending ideas? Or maybe evergreen topics? The Content Ideas Generator gives you both – and everything in between. With data ranging from 24 hours to five years, you can tap into viral trends or timeless classics.
  • It’s a one-stop-shop for content ideas
    If you’re already a BuzzSumo fan, then the Content Ideas Generator helps you consolidate your favorite Discover tools and Content Analyzer insights, into one easy workflow.

Buzzsumo believes data-driven research is the secret to creating top-notch content that drives likes, shares, and top rankings. This tool helps to create a new world with better content. If you still have questions about this product, you can check out our Buzzsumo review here for a better understanding. Beside, You can find Buzzsumo alternatives like: Ahref, Semrush,… I hope that you will find this article useful. Thanks for reading!

You will get: Buzzsumo Large plan (Shared account)